Corporate Governance Policy
Since the company’s establishment, Chememan strict adheres to good corporate governance in our business operations throughout the organization, from our Board of Directors to all levels of employees and with our relevant stakeholders by implementing policies and code of conducts, effective risk management and internal audit, as well as strong cybersecurity and data protection. It is our responsibility to ensure that our business conduct is in line with our vision, mission, objectives, business strategy with compliance with the company’s good governance principle, relevant governing laws and regulations, as it is the key to driving the company towards sustainable growth.
The Board of Directors’ composition, qualifications, term of office, roles and responsibilities are set out in the Charter of the Board of Directors. Major responsibilities of the Board are to set objectives, main business goals, company policies, risk management and operational strategies, allocate resources necessary, including monitor, evaluate and ensure the appropriate reporting of Chememan’s performance.
The Board of Directors is comprised of executive directors, non-executive directors, and independent directors who are experienced and recognized professionals with a thorough understanding of Chememan’s businesses and are capable to perform duties for the best interest of the company.
Board of Directors Performance Assessment
To enhance good corporate governance and board effectiveness, the Board of Directors assigns each director to assess their performance once a year. The assessment is conducted as a whole using self-assessment forms of the Listed Companies’ Board of Directors of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Following such result, the Board of Directors assigned the Company Secretary and the management to establish the practices for improvement and development for the topics that fall below the benchmark and submit to the Board for further consideration.
To ensure efficient, transport and accountable management, the governance structure comprises of the Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, and management team with board and complementary expertise and experience. Chememan has also appointed strategic committees to focus on key strategic topics, being Finance and Investment, Energy, Environment and Technology, and People. Such committees will monitor critical risk factors that could adversely impact on Chememan’s ability to achieve the stated vision, mission, business objectives, and strategic focuses, through providing consultancy, screening, and recommendations to Chief Executive Officer and/ or the Board of Directors for consideration and approval.
Key Documents
Codes and Charters
Other Key Documents
Governance Documents
Business Innovation for Environment
Supplier Code of Conduct (Thai Version)
Sustainability Material Topics (Thai Version)
Credit Terms (Thai Version)
Tax Guideline (Thai Version)
Corporate Income Tax and Effective Tax Rate (Thai Version)
Risk Assessment and Management Plan (Thai Version)
Structure of the Board of Directors (Thai Version)
Criteria for Selecting and Appointing Directors and Chief Executive Officer (Thai Version)
Performance Evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer (Thai Version)
Code of Conduct Compliance Report (Thai Version)
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