Since the company’s establishment, Chememan strict adheres to good corporate governance in our business operations throughout the organization, from our Board of Directors to all levels of employees and with our relevant stakeholders by implementing policies and code of conducts, effective risk management and internal audit, as well as strong cybersecurity and data protection. It is our responsibility to ensure that our business conduct is in line with our vision, mission, objectives, business strategy with compliance with the company’s good governance principle, relevant governing laws and regulations, as it is the key to driving the company towards sustainable growth.

Key Documents

Codes and Charters

Code of Conduct

Charter of the Board of Directors

Charter of the Audit Committee


Anti-Corruption Policy

Risk Management Policy

Environment Policy

Corporate Governance Policy

Sustainability Development Policy

Social Management Policy

Other Key Documents

Articles of Association (Thai Version)

Memorandum of Association (Thai Version)

Privacy Notice

Applicant Privacy Notice

Governance Documents

Business Innovation for Environment

Supplier Code of Conduct (Thai Version)

Sustainability Material Topics (Thai Version)

Credit Terms (Thai Version)

Tax Guideline (Thai Version)

Corporate Income Tax and Effective Tax Rate (Thai Version)

Risk Assessment and Management Plan (Thai Version)

Structure of the Board of Directors (Thai Version)

Criteria for Selecting and Appointing Directors and Chief Executive Officer (Thai Version)

Performance Evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer (Thai Version)

Code of Conduct Compliance Report (Thai Version)


Please complete this electronic form by reporting any malpractices concerning unlawful conduct that contravenes Chememan’s Code of Conduct or Corporate Governance Policy.

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