10 June 2024

CMAN Presents Information at OPPORTUNITY DAY Q1/2024, Confident in Outstanding Profit for 2024

M.L. Chandchutha Chandratat, Chairman of Chememan Public Company Limited (CMAN), one of the world’s top ten lime producers under the "CHEMEMAN" brand, presented the company’s Q1/2024 performance at the "Opportunity Day" event for listed companies to meet investors on an online platform. He noted that Q1/2024 marked the high season for lime demand in the domestic sugar industry, along with increased exports and a weaker Thai Baht. However, the revenue outlook for Q2/2024 is expected to decline from the previous quarter due to the end of the sugarcane harvesting season and the shutdown of two lime kilns for maintenance. Still, the company expects growth compared to the same quarter of the previous year.

With strategies focusing on targeting markets that require high-quality lime and building long-term relationships with customers, as well as efficient cost and production management, CMAN adheres to a sustainable business approach. This includes repaying loans to reduce interest expenses and increasing investment in EV trucks. These factors will support the overall outlook for the year 2024, projecting record-breaking outstanding profit.
